Concrete crusher hire and material recycling services
Our concrete crusher hire and material recycling services offer a cost effective and environmentally friendly solution to dealing with your waste materials. We can crush a range of materials including: Broken Concrete, Concrete blocks, bricks, pavers, stone, tarmac and much more! This gives you a high quality product to use on site instead of buying materials such as 803 or scalping's. Its also much cheaper than paying for muck away services or skips in most cases. We have a High output Compact Crusher which is capable of crushing around 15 - 30 tonnes an hour or we can provide a bigger machine for larger applications
Cost of rubble disposal for 200 tonnes = £3200
Cost of bought in hardcore
for 200 tonnes = £3000 Total = £6200
Our Crusher = £385
Your saving = £5815!!

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Cheaper and more convenient than skips or muck-away
Save on buying in materials such as 803 or sub-base
Ideal for narrow access sites
Click here to contact us and find out what you could save!